What is “Support for the Cuban People” travel?

Authentic Cuba Travel® makes it as easy as possible (under the current OFAC Cuba Travel Regulations) for US citizens who are genuinely interested in supporting the Cuban people to visit Cuba legally.  We provide our US travelers with all the required documentation to ensure they are in compliance with the rules on Cuba travel under the category: Support for the Cuban People. US travelers can choose to depart to Cuba from any US port of their choosing. To learn more about our Support for the Cuban People tours, please click here.

The following question/ answer is an extract from the latest Frequently Asked Questions published by the US Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC.

707. What constitutes “support for the Cuban people” for generally authorized travel and other transactions?

Section 515.574 of the CACR contains a general license that authorizes, subject to conditions, travel-related transactions and other transactions that are intended to provide support for the Cuban people, which include activities of recognized human rights organizations; independent organizations designed to promote a rapid, peaceful transition to democracy; and individuals and non-governmental organizations that promote independent activity intended to strengthen civil society in Cuba. In accordance with NSPM-5, OFAC amended this general license on November 8, 2017 to require that each traveler utilizing this authorization engage in a full-time schedule of activities that enhance contact with the Cuban people, support civil society in Cuba, or promote the Cuban people’s independence from Cuban authorities and that result in meaningful interactions with individuals in Cuba. OFAC also amended this general license to exclude from the authorization certain direct financial transactions with entities and subentities identified on the State Department’s Cuba Restricted List. Also, and effective September 24, 2020, OFAC amended this general license to exclude from the authorization lodging, paying for lodging, or making any reservation for or on behalf of a third party to lodge, at any property in Cuba on the Cuba Prohibited Accommodations List to the extent prohibited by § 515.210. For a complete description of the scope of this prohibition, see 31 CFR § 515.210. The traveler’s schedule of activities must not include free time or recreation in excess of that consistent with a full-time schedule in Cuba. An entire group does not qualify for this general license merely because some members of the group qualify individually. For a complete description of what this general license authorizes and the restrictions that apply, see 31 CFR § 515.574.

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