USA Cuba Travel
FAQ about Cuba Travel for USA Schools, Organizations, Groups & Travelers.
- Can I flight to Cuba directly from USA with US Airlines?
- How to go to Cuba under current restrictions on Cuba travel for Americans?
- What is “Support for the Cuban People” travel?
- Can Americans travel to Cuba through a third country like Canada or Mexico?
- As a university professor or secondary teacher, can I take my students on legal Cuba tours?
- Do US travelers need a license for traveling to Cuba?
- Will people-to-people travel still be authorized, what does group travel refer to?
- Who can travel legally to Cuba from the United States of America?
- Do I need to apply with the government to receive a General License?
- How do I know that a Cuban provider is affiliated with a prohibited company?
- As a US Citizen, am I allowed spending money in Cuba?
- As a full-time professional, do I qualify for a General License?
- Do the new regulations limit the means by which US citizens may buy airline tickets for authorized travel to Cuba?
- What can I bring back from Cuba?
- As the leader of a religious organization, can I organize a religious trip to Cuba for members of my organization?
- Can Americans travel to Cuba Legally?
- As an authorized traveler, may I travel from a third country to Cuba and from Cuba to a third country?
- What is individual people-to-people travel, and how do the new regulations impact this travel authorization?
- What is OFAC?
- Will organizations subject to U.S. jurisdiction that sponsor exchanges to promote people-to-people contact be required to apply to OFAC for a specific license?