Do I need to worry about street hustlers?

Most Cubans are very friendly, kind-hearted and generous.  However, like everywhere else in the world, some unscrupulous people will try to get money out of tourists in dishonest ways.

We strongly advise against giving money to individuals who approach you on the streets.

Be wary of buying cigars on the street as those will much likely be fake ones. For authentic Cuban cigars, buy at the official government stores.

When an individual approaches you on the street and asks for money, or with offers to provide guide or other services, just say no. Wag your finger back-and-forth with determination (indicating you are not interested) and move on. You risk getting ripped-off. Don't be shy, don't feel bad, and don't let jineteros (hustlers) waste your precious time in Cuba. To do otherwise could cost you heartache and your wallet! 

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