What’s the local currency?

The Cuban Peso (CUP) is the official currency in the island. All goods and services are priced and paid for in the CUP. The CUP floats in value against world currencies. Exchange rates vary daily. Today's rates are based on 1.00 USD equals 120.00 CUP.

Participants should carefully evaluate daily spending needs prior to departure. A minimum of $50 USD (CASH) per day is recommended. It is better to plan to take more money than to get caught short of funds.

Most private business such as casas particulares (guest houses/ bed & breakfasts), private bars and restaurants prefer cash payments in US DOLLARS or EUROS but Cuban pesos will be accepted too.

Change your money into CUP at a bank, your hotel, or at a CADECA (Casas de Cambio SA – exchange bureau). Never exchange your money on the street or through an individual Cuban.

Credit cards and travelers checks issued by Canadian and European banks are accepted (AMEX is never accepted).

But please confirm with your bank before you depart as regulations change constantly. Canadian travelers If you have a MasterCard issued by a credit union or caisse populaire it won't work in Cuba. Contact your branch for more information.

Credit cards and travelers checks issued by US banks are not accepted. Debit cards do not work in Cuba.

A photocopy of your passport is sufficient identification. However, your actual passport is necessary when conducting banking transactions in Cuba.

The Cuban Peso (CUP) can only be purchased in Cuba. Spend it or exchange it on the island before you return home.

You are advised to spend your CUP or exchange your CUP to a foreign currency in a CADECA or Bank in the city before reaching the airport on departure, as this service may not be provided at the CADECA money exchange counter there. Foreign currency in Euros, US or Canadian dollars can be used for cash payments in duty free shops or cafes in the departure area after passing immigration.

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